Human Resource Management

Next-generation education management applications for higher and further education institutions
Maintain Your Core Institutes Objectives With Human Resource Management
Human Resource Management is a vital aspect of any successful institution, as it focuses on the management of the most important resource within the institution, your staff. The ITS Integrator Human Resource Management platform streamlines the process of recruiting and acquiring staff, the training and development of staff, as well as managing staff activities within the institution. This platform ensures that the core institutes objectives, as well as daily operations, are maintained and that high performance is achieved within the work environment.
Why Institutions Choose Our Human Resource Management Platform?
The Human Resource Management platform centralises the process of staff management, which has many benefits for the institution and staff, these include:
Efficiency of Administration
Manual processes that used to take hours to complete such as pulling staff records, reporting on absenteeism, skills appraisals etc, which can now be done within minutes.
Access to Information
The Human Resource Management platform is user-friendly and has been designed with staff and management in mind, ensuring that information is accessible, easy to find and can be utilised.
Ability to make informed decisions
This platform allows you to easily access the data and pull reports on all elements related to staff. It also enables you to make informed decisions relating to staff retention, hiring, skills development and more.
Improves employee self-service
This platform allows self-service by staff through their own personal portal and freeing up the time of those in Human Resource (HR) management and improving staff satisfaction overall.
What do you get with our Human Resource Management Platform?
Personnel System
The ITS Integrator Personnel System is highly integrated with the ITS Integrator Payroll System and is linked to all other relevant ITS Integrator systems. The management of personnel can be done via back-office system processes or, when applicable, via the self-service for personnel. It manages the life-cycle of the personnel member at the institution.
Salary System
This system is a full payroll system which is compliant with all Government and Tax regulations in your country. Multiple payroll’s can be maintained each with their own rules e.g. full-time permanent employees, part-time permanent employee and contract employees.
Personnel Self-Service
The ITS Integrator Self-Service system provides online real-time access to the ITS Integrator system, enabling personnel of the institution to gain access, through a secure login, to the data applicable to the individual. The systems can be accessed through a web browser and has a user-friendly interface making navigation throughout the system uncomplicated.
Salary Budgeting System
This system is able to do a calculation of salary budgets, showing a number of consecutive monthly salary calculations for future periods. This is calculated by using user-defined criteria to budget for vacant posts, future resignations, etc.
ITS Infoslips for Payslips
ITS Integrator has created a facility that enables users to give their staff electronic payslips instead of the traditional hardcopy payslip.